What's happening?

Hey hey! Welp, I did it! I ran a half marathon and I did it in under 3 hours which was my only goal. I’m glad I met my goal because, knowing me, had I not I would’ve been compelled to run another half marathon to meet that goal. As it is, it’s one and done and I couldn’t be happier. Will run some other races this year, but none longer than 10K. In other news, I’m 1/12 of the way through 2020 and things haven’t unraveled completely yet. The touchscreen television remote is still free of Dorito dust. Fingers crossed …

Previously in What’s Happening? I’m in the midst of training for a half marathon. Well, my training is over, really. The race is Saturday! Wish me luck. In the meantime, I’m revamping, reclaiming, and re-upping my online space. Watch this page for progress reports, poetry drafts, and excerpts that need airing out.